The Bee Musical

Hello parents,

Rehearsals for The Bee Musical are well underway. The children from both classes know the parts they will be playing and should be working hard to perfect their lines and acting skills. As a result, we decided not to give homework this week. It is expected that the children use this time to practise as much as possible. We are really looking forward to performing for you all.


Narrator / Newsreader - Smart clothes (dress / skirt  / trousers / suit jacket etc. Whatever you have available in your wardrobe)

Bees (any bee including drones/worker bees/nectar team/bee team etc.) - Bee Attire: Black clothes or a bee costume if you already have one. There is no need to buy a costume. Black clothes will be fine. Wings - any wings will do, if you do not already have wings, these can be made (either at home or in school). Bee antennae (again, these can be made using hairbands and pipecleaners). Pollen baskets to be placed on knees (yoghurt pots / mini baskets could be used to make these).

Queen Bee - Bee attire (as above), crown, robe, wings.

Grumble Bee - Bee attire (as above) and an Eliabethan flat cap with a feather.

Tumble Bee - Bee attire (as above). May need to paint on wings for ease of tumbling.

Jumble Bee - Bee attire (as above). Needs to look quite scruffy. Extra big pollen baskets, overflowing with pollen (coloured bubble wrap or similar could be used to create this).

Guard Bee - Bee attire (as above) and guard hat / spear / shield etc.

Mr Waxworth and Dennis - White clothes (to look like a bee keeper suits). We will need to find a way to make the white bee keeper hat. Normal clothes to be work underneath. (PJs and slippers for Scene 7 - optional: can just wear normal clothes for this scene if required).

Mrs Waxworth - Smart work clothes and a briefcase.

Flowers - Green clothes (t-shirt and leggins / dress etc.) the flower heads will need to be made.

Business Bee - Bee attire (as above) and a long coat to go over the bee attire.

Farmer Bee - Bee attire (as above). Flat cap (farmer hat), wellies and coat / gilet.

Mouse - Grey clothes. Ears will be made / borrowed from Rachel.

Town-person - Normal clothes (jeans/trousers/shirt/t-shirt etc.)


Sun lounger

Click here to access the script, lyrics and songs.

If you have any of the above (costumes / props) at home, that you wouldn't mind lending to us for the show, please label them and send them in to school with your child. This will make it easeir to return once the show is finished.

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