Week 2 Assessment and work for Week 3

Hello Everybody, 

We are still missing you all and hope you and your families are keeping well! Please see assessments for Week 2 and the new work for Week 3. As last week, resources can be found and downloaded from the following Dropbox link: 

Remember you can email us over any work you have completed, so we can see how you are getting on, if you wish.


Please click this link --> https://forms.gle/Z5yafJ5UhxRSUGw78
Please complete all sections.

Free access to online resources:

Username: primaryedcobooks
Password: edco2020
Access: Béal Beo 3 & many others

Access: Léigh sa Bhaile & many others

Access: Tables Champion & many others

Work for Week 3:

Read your book every day. Write a book review once finished.
Reading comprehension - Tom Crean (See Dropbox link)

Last week you  were asked to write an explanation text about The Vikings. If this is now complete
and sent to your teacher, you can do an explantation text on one of the below:
1. How chocolate is made.
2. Why exercise is needed to stay healthy.
3. How to wash your hands correctly.
You may need to do some research to ensure what you write is factual.

- Free Writing
http://www.pobble365.com/ - Use the images as inspiration for creative / free writing.

Léigh sa Bhaile page 39 & 40. Practice Reading and answering the questions. 
https://my.cjfallon.ie/dashboard/student-resources - This is the link to the audio recordings for the readings. You can also access an online version of the book if you can't find it. 
Séidéan Sí https://www.seideansi.ie/rang-a-tri-se.php Work through these grammar activities. 
-Oral Language
See posters at the Dropbox link above

-Mental Maths
Master Your Maths
Aoife's Class - Week 25 inc. Friday test
Becky's Class - Week 27 inc. Friday test
-Times Tables
Tables Champion p.30 x2 and ÷2
We have looked at this in class, but remember, division is the opposite of multiplication.
2x3=6 so 6÷2=3 and 6÷3=2
Here is a link for some extra practise: https://quizlet.com/395379173/gravity

Why not pick one or two of these experiments to try at home. Don't worry if you don't have all of the
resources. Use what you have and pick the expereiments that work for you.
We would love to see some pictures or videos of your experiments in action, so remember to email
them over.

Option 1 - Choose a Go Noodle activity to try: https://family.gonoodle.com/

Option 2 - You could try some yoga at home, Cosmic Yoga on YouTube has great videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-BS87NTV5I

Option 3 - Joe Wicks - The Body Coach is offering some help from home. Joe is brilliant so would be well worth checking this out from Monday. A great way to start the day!

Why not sit down and have a listen to one of the many Mindfulness stories that can be found on Dropbox at the link above?

Jessica, one of the Senior Infants teachers, thought it might be nice to 'Share the Love' during these unprecendented times. As nursing homes currently aren't allowed any visitors, she was in touch with  'CareChoice', which is located near our school, and was told that the best way to cheer up their residents at this time would be for the children to make a card, draw/paint a picture, create a video of them singing a song or doing a dance etc.

Obviously we don't want to put the residents at any risk, so we are asking that if you do any of the above:
1. Take a picture of video
2. Email either Aoife or Becky your work of art
3. Aoife and Becky will email these over to CareChoice in the hopes of putting smiles on faces!

Marking Notes:
By now, you should have almost completed the work set for Week 2 Please feel free to take pictures of any completed and marked work and email them to us, so we can see how you are getting on. :)

SESE - Please email your completed project to your teacher so they can provide feedback. This can be a PowerPoint, a video of you presenting your work, a picture of your poster etc. However you chose to display your learning. Remember, the project should be written in your own words. 

Master Your Maths - Please go through the answers below and mark your work.

Aoife's Class: Week 24

Becky's Class: Week 26
Tables Champion - Use the times tables chart at the front of the book (or a calculator) to correct #
what you have done so far.

Aoife & Becky!

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