Assessment and Continuation of Work - Week 2

Hi Everybody, 

We miss you all and hope you and your families are keeping well. Please see assessments for Week 1and a continuation of Work for Week 2! As last week, resources can be found and downloaded from the following Dropbox link:

Becky & Aoife 

Assessment :
Please click this link -->
Please complete all sections.

By now, you should have almost completed the work set for Week 1 (as below). Please feel free to take pictures of any completed and marked work and email them to us, so we can see how you are getting on. :)

Master Your Maths - Please complete all tasks outlined below. Here are the answers for the first week's worth. Please go through and mark your work.

Aoife's Class: Week 23
 Becky's Class: Week 25

Tables Champion - Use the times tables chart at the front of the book (or a calculator) to correct what you have done so far.

Additional Times Tables Practise -

Maths practise - 
Revision and development of the four operations, fractions, length and time:   
Do 2/3 games a day. These are new games, not all the same as last week.  

Gaeilge - 
Léigh sa Bhaile page 37 & 38. Practice Reading and answering the questions. - This is the link to the audio recordings for the readings. You can also access an online version of the book if you can't find it. 
Séidéan Sí Work through these grammar activities. 
Oral Language posters (see Dropbox - link above) 

Physical Activities – 
Choose a Go Noodle activity to try:

You could try some yoga at home, Cosmic Yoga on YouTube has great videos:

Joe Wicks - The Body Coach is offering some help from home. Joe is brilliant so would be well worth checking this out from Monday. A great way to start the day!
I produce so much free fitness content online and I never ask for anything in return but today I need your help 🙏🏼 I need your support to help spread this online so as many parents as possible know that this is an option for them to use next week. I am holding LIVE PE lessons at 9am Monday to Friday on my YouTube channel for children of all ages. All I need is for you to screen shot this and post it on your wall, story, Twitter, facebook, whatsapp, linked in and anywhere else. Parents are going to be under pressure next week and for 30 minutes a day I can take over and inspire and energise the kids to get active, bounce around and have fun. You can even join in with the kids. Please share away. This is going to help millions of children and parents feel happier for 30 minutes and beyond everyday ☺️❤️ #PEwithJoe

SESE - By now, you should have completed the first week of your Vikings Project. This was largely research based. For the next week, please work on the below and remember that you can display  your project however you like e.g. Powerpoint, poster, story etc. When you have finished your work, please email it to us, so we can have a look.


Before you start, why not take a Viking Quiz or two to see how much you know/remember from your research:

SESE Project - Suggested plan: Week Two
Break your work up into themes and summarise the information you have-get rid of any
information you do not need e.g. I have lots of information on the warriors so I will summarise iinto the most important and interesting parts and focus on other areas that I may not have as much information on. 
Think of your audience and summarise the information you have in your own words rather than copying it from the source of the information. Putting the information into your own words will help you to learn. Copying and pasting is not learning.

Think of:
1.  How can I say this information in an interesting way?
2.  What nice words /new words can I use?
3.  How can I put the information into my own words?
4. Which pieces of information are the most important? What can I leave out?

Start writing/typing your work. It is a good idea to write in pencil first and then when you
correct your spellings/grammar write in pen.

Finish writing/typing your work. Make sure you have lines so your writing is neat and clear.
Check all spellings, edit and correct. Do not present work with incorrect spellings-get an
adult to check it for you.
Will you use images/pictures/maps/photos?
Will you decorate or draw to make it look more attractive to your audience?
Include the sources of information for your work at the end of your project.

English -
If you have managed to complete your SESE Project already - wow! -you should now use your knowledge to write an Explanation Text about the Vikings. 

Complete a book review for any books you have finished reading. 

Grammar sheets (paper copies sent home)

Read your book Pobble 365… use images as inspiration for creative / free writing 

English - Oral Language/Games: 
These are some suggestions for discussion topics, try to support your choice with a reason:
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
If you could visit anywhere in the world where would you go?
If you could have any job in the world, what job would you want to have?
If you won the lotto what would you spend it on?
If you could meet one person that lived in the past, who would it be?
If you could try any food in the world what would it be?
If you could go to any famous landmark in the world which one would you go to? 
Play the ‘Stop the bus’ game with a family member. Say the alphabet in your head 
and when the other person says stop, tell them the letter that you were on in the alphabet. You both must then think of a country, food, an animal, a piece of clothing, girl’s name, boy’s name and a TV show that starts with that letter. When the first person to have all categories flled says stop, give yourself a point for each answer you got correct. Continue with another letter until you decide to stop and count all your points up to see who the winner is.

Learn Together / Mindfulness 
Downloaded from Dropbox:

Aoife & Becky!

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