
Week 2 Assessment and work for Week 3

Hello Everybody,  We are still missing you all and hope you and your families are keeping well! Please see assessments for Week 2 and the new work for Week 3. As last week, resources can be found and downloaded from the following Dropbox link: Remember you can email us over any work you have completed, so we can see how you are getting on, if you wish. Thanks, Becky & Aoife  Becky: Aoife: Assessment: Please click this link --> Please complete all sections. Free access to online resources: Username: primaryedcobooks Password: edco2020 Access: Béal Beo 3 & many others Access: Léigh sa Bhaile & many others Access: Tables Champ...

Assessment and Continuation of Work - Week 2

Hi Everybody,  We miss you all and hope you and your families are keeping well. Please see assessments for Week 1and a continuation of Work for Week 2! As last week, resources can be found and downloaded from the following Dropbox link: Thanks,  Becky & Aoife  Assessment : Please click this link --> Please complete all sections. Notes: By now, you should have almost completed the work set for Week 1 (as below). Please feel free to take pictures of any completed and marked work and email them to us, so we can see how you are getting on. :) Master Your Maths - Please complete all tasks outlined below. Here are the answers for the  first week's worth. Please go through and mark your work. Aoife's Class: Week 23   Becky's Class: Week 25 Tables Champion - Use the times tables chart at the front of the ...

School Work for Next 2 Weeks

Resources can be found and downloaded from the following Dropbox link:   Gaeilge Séidéan Sí Work through these grammar activities.  Oral Language posters (see Dropbox - link above) Maths Revision and development of times tables: Time Tables Champion  Learn and complete tasks for 7 times tables, look back and check-up Revise: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 times tables Master your Maths: The next 2 weeks of Mental Maths - Monday to Thursday. The next 2 Friday tests at the back of the book.  Revision and development of the four operations (+, -, x , ÷) , money & time: - for support and understanding - starter challenges

Homework 9th-13th March 2020

Spellings – English & Gaeilge (test every Friday) English Spellings - Becky's Class: English Spellings - Aoife's Class: Link to access Spellings for Me:  If you have not been 'locked out' yet, please continue the online tests. Using the booklet provided, learn your ‘Learning Words’. These have been printed and given out to you also.  Work through the booklet for whichever grid you need to work on next. You should work on the grid for as many weeks as needed to learn them. The ‘Learning Words’ test will not be unlocked until all grids have been learned. This will be completed in school. It would be useful to bring in a set of headphones/earphones when you are ready to take the test.  Gaeilge Spellings - Both Classes: Remember: For the Irish spellings, you need to know the Irish and the English for each word / phrase. Gaeilge – Reading Léigh sa Bhaile: •  ...

Homework 2nd-6th March 2020

Spellings – English & Gaeilge (test every Friday) English Spellings - Becky's Class: English Spellings - Aoife's Class: Link to access Spellings for Me:  Using the booklet provided, learn your ‘Learning Words’. These have been printed and given out to you also.  Work through the booklet for ‘Grid 2’ (or whichever grid you need to work on next) this week. You should work on the grid for as many weeks as needed to learn them. The ‘Learning Words’ test will not be unlocked until all grids have been learned. This will be completed in school. It would be useful to bring in a set of headphones/earphones when you are ready to take the test. Gaeilge Spellings - Both Classes: Remember: For the Irish spellings, you need to know the Irish and the English for each word / phrase. Gaeilge – Reading Léigh sa Bhaile: •     Monday and Tuesday night read and answer the que...