Homework and The Bee Musical Information
As you area aware, tomorrow is showtime! Becky's class are performing at 11:15 Aoife's class are performing at 11:45 Please make sure you arrive on timeso you don't miss out on any of the wonderful acting. Please note: All plays will be recorded and a link sent to parents to view them. We ask that you don't record or photograph the plays. If you would like to take your child home after the performance rather than coming back agian for pick-up, please remember to send us a quick email to let us know. Thanks, Becky & Aoife Aoife's Class only: Aoife's class are trialing a new spelling program called 'Spellings for me'. This has already been explained to the class. If you would like any information please see this link https://www.spellingsforme.ie/ , otherwise, please feel free to email me (Aoife) your queries. The link for children to access their page is: https://belmayne-etns.spellingsforme.ie The username ...